Policy purpose and brief 

We provide a much needed service to people who would be excluded from many activities and health care because they do not have access to suitable transport. We do not want these people to be further excluded, by declining to use our services, because they feel a bias against them, whether it is perceived or actual. We also do not wish for potential volunteers to feel similarly excluded. 

It is vital that our volunteers, trustees and service users understand that not only do we believe in treating everyone fairly and with respect, we also have a legal responsibility to ensure that we treat everyone equally. 

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that we treat everyone fairly and with respect, that we do not discriminate, either directly or indirectly, as an organisation and that we encourage diversity amongst our volunteers and service users. 

We recognise that certain individuals and groups in society suffer discrimination on the grounds of age, sex, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religious belief, gender, gender reassignment, disability, marital and civil partnership status, culture and socio-economic background. We will work to oppose all forms of discrimination, as laid out in the Equality Act 2010. 

This includes: 

     • Ensuring all volunteers are offered the same opportunities in recruitment, advancement, training and any other opportunities 

     • Aiming to provide high standards of service to all service users, ensuring that we understand their needs and provide them with the services that are appropriate for them 

     • Providing reasonable adjustments to ensure disabled people are enabled to participate in the organisation as volunteers and service users As a part of this we commit to creating an environment, including providing training where necessary, that is free of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination, promoting dignity and respect for all, and where individual differences and contributions are recognised and valued. We consider harassment to be unwanted behaviour which someone finds offensive or which makes them feel intimidated or humiliated and this can include: • Spoken or written words or abuse including language that might be considered inappropriate or over familiar 

     • Images and graffiti 

     • Physical gestures, facial expressions and unwanted touching 

     • Jokes, some of which may be considered banter but which make another person feel intimidated or humiliated. 

     • Offensive emails, tweets or comments on social networking sites 

We will take seriously all complaints of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination and these will be dealt with under the appropriate procedure. We will monitor any complaints of bullying or misconduct to ensure we know if a particular group of people, as defined by the Equality Act 2010, are complaining more than others. It is the responsibility of the Trustees to ensure equal opportunities in service delivery and employment practice. All volunteers must adhere to this policy in the course of their work and report on its operation to the Board. 

As an organisation we will: 

     1. Communicate this policy to all volunteers through our induction process and the use of handbooks, policies etc. 

     2. Make it known to all volunteer applicants and, where appropriate to all users of our services. 

     3. Ensure that disciplinary and grievance procedures incorporate principles of equal opportunity and non-discrimination. 

     4. Regularly examine existing procedures and criteria, including recruitment practices, and change them where they are actually or potentially discriminatory. 

     5. Ensure that the organisation is kept up to date and within the law. 

     6. Provide training and guidance to enable volunteers to carry out the policy. 

     7. Regularly monitor the application of the policy. 

     8. Report to the Board on progress in implementing the policy and on any necessary changes. 

Service Provision

We will work to ensure that our services and resources are relevant to all of our current and potential service users. We will evaluate periodically our work to determine whether: 

     • Our service is offered in an accessible and relevant way. 

     • Alternative methods would be more appropriate. 

     • Additional services should be developed. 

     • There are any practices / procedures which are discriminatory. 

It is recognised that we will not be able to meet all the demands made upon our services. We will ensure that our service users have easy access to information about our services which may involve making materials available, where appropriate, in a variety of media, e.g. in large print or electronically. In particular, all printed materials will be available in a minimum of 12pt type in a non cursive script. We will also try to ensure that any images concerning the work of the organisation reflect the community within which we work. Additionally, it is recognised that there may, from time to time, be complaints against volunteers or the service. Details of how a complaint may be made are available on our website. 

Recruitment of volunteers (incl. members of the Board) 

     1. We will endeavour, with training if appropriate, to ensure that those making recruitment decisions do not discriminate, whether consciously or unconsciously, in making selection decisions. 

     2. Our services will be advertised as widely as possible, unless we have identified that we are particularly trying to reach that group (e.g. elderly people). 

     3. All applicants who apply for volunteering opportunities with us will receive fair treatment and will be considered solely on their ability to do undertake the role. 

     4. Interviews will be carried out by more than one person where possible, will be directly related to the requirements of the role and will not be of a discriminatory nature. 


We recognise that training is an important factor in leading to volunteering achievement and opportunity. An induction into the organisation is particularly important and will be made available to all new volunteers. When other needs are identified, every effort will be made to ensure that training is provided. 


We will try to ensure that the services the organisation offers are accessible to all groups. It will not knowingly receive or purchase goods and services from agencies which they have found to be discriminatory.