Policy purpose and brief 

Our service exists because of the trust and goodwill shared between everyone involved, and it is vital that we respect and maintain the confidence placed in us. We need personal data to do our work and have a duty of care and legal responsibility to manage this information in a safe, private and honest way. This policy details how our volunteers and Trustees will take a practical, proportionate and safe approach to data protection and understand the urgency in reporting mistakes. Our aim is to use and store people’s data in a way that respects and protects the privacy of everyone concerned, allows provision of our services and also enhances the good name, reputation and financial safety of our organisation and its trustees. 

The purpose of this policy is to ensure our car scheme: 

     • Respects people's privacy 

     • Encourages volunteers to take a practical, proportionate and safe approach to data protection 

     • Ensures our volunteers understand the urgency in reporting mistakes 

     • Protects people’s data and the good name, reputation and financial safety of our organisation and      its trustees 

The organisation will act within the law ensuring that we: 

     • Maintain compliance with the UK Data Protection Act 1998 

     • Maintain compliance with the UK General Data Protection Regulations 

     • Follow good practice 

     • Protect the rights of volunteers and service users 

     • Are open about how we store and process personal data 

     • Protect individuals from the risks of a data breach 

Compliance with the UK Data Protection Act (1998) and the UK General Data Protection Regulations (2018) is the responsibility of all trustees and volunteers. 

Data Stored 

We hold the personal details of volunteers, trustees and service users to include: 

     • Person’s name, 

     • address 

     • emergency contacts 

     • telephone numbers 

     • email address and 

     • any other personal details required for us to provide our service, e.g. mobility or medical issues 

We also hold additional data for our volunteer drivers including: 

     • Vehicle details 

     • Legal status of vehicles 

     • Driver’s licence 

     • Results of DBS checks. 

Where Data is Stored: 

     • On password protected home computer 

     • Booking diary 

     • Scheme owned mobile phone 

     • Volunteer Drivers temporarily hold passenger details 

Purpose of Holding Data: 

Used solely for providing passenger transport, safeguarding, financial transactions/reporting, meeting agendas and minutes. No permission is required for these purposes. Plus communications about events and fundraising opportunities where opt in permission has been gained. 

It is our policy that: 

     • Personal details will never be passed to a third party without permission 

     • All group email messages will be sent via 'blind copy' 

     • Personal details will be removed from data reports 

     • Drivers will securely destroy passenger’s personal data after each journey 

     • When people cease to be a volunteer, volunteer trustee, supporter or service user all personal data      will be securely deleted or destroyed in compliance with any other rules that might apply e.g. HMRC

      • This privacy policy will be available on request and/or via our website. 

Adoption Date 

Adopted: 24th January 2024.